Programme 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐇 𝐉𝐎𝐁 was officially launched by the International Youth Organization Youth Education, this Saturday, February 8, 2024, at the Centre Culturel Jacques Aka in Bouaké.

Conducted with the financial support of “The Decent Employment Special Initiative for a Just Transition”, implemented among others by GIZ Côte d'Ivoire, operating under the 'Invest for Jobs' brand, this 5th cohort of the program aims to build the capacities of 250 #young graduates across Côte d'Ivoire with a view to facilitating their #employability.

Bouaké's youth turned out in force, eager to benefit from this unique opportunity in their city. The event was marked by the presence of the city authorities, with speeches by the 3ᵉ deputy mayor in charge of youth, Mr. Silué Pégabila, the President of the communal youth, Mr. Sekongo Félix, the Regional Delegate CNJCI, Mr. Inza Ouattara, as well as the presence of partner Invest for Jobs, represented by Mr. Sanga Samuel.

The founder of Youth Education, Mr. Franck Gozé, presented the 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐇 𝐉𝐎𝐁 program and its ambitions for the city of #Bouaké as well as the entire Gbêkê region. The #youth were very enthusiastic and highly motivated to take part in the program. A huge number of them signed up to apply.

The launch of the 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐇 𝐉𝐎𝐁 program in Bouaké was a great success, and we are preparing to move into the town of San Pedro.

For further information, please contact:
+225 27 22 49 81 33
+225 05 65 68 74 61
#YouthJob #Youtheducation #AySolutions #InvestForJobs #GIZ #Bouaké

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  •   (+225) 27 22 498 133 / (+225) 07 79 706 929

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